Skittles at the SAFE Show

What a “Show Pro” little Skittles turned out to be at the SAFE Benefit Horse Show! She had a wonderful “been there done that no big deal” attitude about everything. We all had a ton of fun at the show and she was so easy to work with in every way. She bathed, loaded...

Lola at the SAFE Show

I am very pleased with Lola’s growth overall the last 7 months. I have had countless volunteers and others remark at what a different horse she is to handle and how nice she looks under saddle. She was a star at the SAFE Benefit Show. Honest and...

Stella learns to halter herself!

I have been working on catch and release games with Stella. She is a very timid girl but is coming along nicely. We have been practicing with the halter and her putting her own nose down into it. Finally got someone to hold the camera for me so I can show you all. She...

Ginger Makes Us Smile

We are overjoyed to update everyone on Ginger’s progress! This girl has made such a wonderful transformation under Kim Lacy’s training. When we contacted Kim about taking on a SAFE horse to foster she happily accepted and offered to donate her training services and...

Skittles Training Update

Skittles did very well on the trail ride Sunday. She is very brave, liked to lead, and had a go button. Overall she stayed calm and listened well. She would have loved to run up the hills but I was able to keep her at a walk. She was fine with the other horses too. I...