March training notes: Sasha

Moving forward with her in strengthening and re-introducing a rider. Her back is very weak so it will take time to build up. First rides were good but Sasha does show stubbornness when it comes to going forward. This could get ugly quickly so I’m taking it slow and...

Kai – a Master of Socrates

Can’t help but love this big hunk…somewhat distant exterior, but a heart of gold underneath for the right person, and, if you work for it, tons of easily offended dignity. He is the type that really doesn’t like to be laughed at or have his many ideas dismissed or...

Jewel ‑The Patient Little Patient

You can probably imagine my response to the call that Jewel had been injured.  At first I was worried that she was hurt, then hearing the treatment plan I was quickly thinking: oh no what are we going to have on our hands?!?   I am very pleased to...

Love Me and Keep Me Safe

Dottie is a loving, gentle horse who would make a great companion.  We have some concerns about her overall soundness as a riding horse but we are taking things slow with her to see where we end up.  If she can only be pasture-sound, it would be nice to see...