by Terry Phelps | Oct 3, 2018 | Teddi
Teddi has been working on relaxing and gentling with Horsemanship Volunteer Phoebe. We have seen wonderful changes in Teddi over the last few months as she develops more of a bond with Phoebe. We want to take a quick moment to acknowledge and thank Phoebe for...
by Terry Phelps | Oct 3, 2018 | Amelia
Glowing reports on Amelia’s progress from our Horsemanship Volunteer Phoebe! We will be talking with Joel Conner during this week’s clinic about his thoughts on offering her as a very light riding horse or a kids lead line. She is a sweet girl and in the right home...
by Terry Phelps | Oct 3, 2018 | Piper
Little miss Piper has grown this summer into such a nice little lady. She spends nearly all of her time living like a wild horse with our herd in the large pasture, but she shows off her manners every time we handle her. Some of her milestones include: standing...
by Terry Phelps | Aug 31, 2018 | Pyrrah
Pyrrha a bit of a mystery. We have had a few conversations around the barn as to what breed she might be but nothing really fits. But no matter what type of horse she is, this mare is strong as a brick house! She’s most likely been around the block and seen many...
by Terry Phelps | Aug 31, 2018 | Justin
Justin is doing very well in preparation to become a riding horse. We have spent a great deal of time strengthening him and getting him balanced to hold the weight of a rider. He initially had trouble transferring his weight off of his forehand and over his hocks. He...