by Terry Phelps | Nov 26, 2016 | Joel Conner Clinic Reports, Ruckus
SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Here’s a report from Terry about her session with Ruckus: When I found out SAFE was getting another mini, I thought we would be thinking of him as a companion only. Sunny...
by Terry Phelps | Nov 26, 2016 | Stormy
Stormy has been very patent and relaxed during her recovery from her eye surgery. She had a bandage change Monday 11/14 and Dr. McCracken was pleased with the progress. We were able to remove the bandage on Friday 11/18 and she was allowed to have time out in a small...
by Terry Phelps | Nov 25, 2016 | Ben, Joel Conner Clinic Reports
SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Here’s a report from Melinda SAFE’s Herd Health Manager about her session with Ben: I had the pleasure of working with Ben for both groundwork sessions of the Joel Conner...
by Terry Phelps | Nov 25, 2016 | Joel Conner Clinic Reports, Prince
SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Here’s a report from Lori about her sessions with Prince: Prince and I entered the Saturday groundwork class. Prince started out being extremely herd bound and more focused on his...
by Terry Phelps | Nov 25, 2016 | Bridgit, Joel Conner Clinic Reports, Rosie
SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Tess worked with Rosie, our new intake, in the morning groundwork sessions and with Bridgit in the afternoon riding workshop. Tess writes about the clinic and shows a ton of...