Aiden Update from Nov 19 2009

I’m Aiden’s current foster mom, and he is doing quite well. I’ve been working with him a 2–3 days a week, and what a quick study he is! He now tolerates plastic bags whipping around him, accepts a bridle path clip with my cordless clippers, yields hind and...

Aiden Update from Nov 2 2009

Aiden moved to Duvall this weekend to be fostered with Amy who previously fostered Whisper and Benny. He is such a sweet little boy, fine to catch now and very mellow and laid back. He walked right in the trailer, hauled like a pro, stepped off the trailer and walked...

Biscotti — Aug 15, 2009

Found some cute pictures from earlier this spring: Scotti: “Hey guys, stop sleeping and come play with me!” Lola: “Snore.” Aiden: “zzzz” Scotti: “If you don’t get up, I’m going to bite you!” Lola: “Hey now!” Aiden: “zzzz” Scotti: “You asked for it!”...

Aiden Update from June 14 2009

Aiden’s healing up very nicely, the swelling is gone, no more forced exercise. After the first few days he started to STINK really bad, and I had to get in there and clean everything out several times, during which I pulled out a huge chunk of rotting nasty yuck…not...

Babies in the Field

Sinatra was The Older Brother, of sorts, on the baby pature this weekend but I certainly will not call him the mature voice of reason…he was up to lots of antics including removing his younger friends’ masks and nipping and getting in everyone else’s business (which...