Artie Out on the Town

Artie Out on the Town

Given how mellow he has been under saddle thus far, we had no reason to believe that Artie would not be able to find as much comfort in his rider outside the arena as he did within it. And our hypothesis was proved correct when taking him out for the first time for a...
Artie 4 U!

Artie 4 U!

Extra extra, read all about it — Artie Shaw is available for adoption as a riding horse! There was a time, not all that long ago, when we wrote riding out of Artie’s future. His first experiences with the saddle were so dramatic that we felt the time and effort it...
Training Update: Artie

Training Update: Artie

Since his debut as a riding horse at the end of 2022, Artie has really shown he is the little horse who could. From his early days as a literal wild stallion to now, it’s hard to even picture him as the same horse. His nickname around the barn now is ‘puppy’ because...
Otto’s Playmate

Otto’s Playmate

Though one might say he is mature for his age, based on how well he is going under saddle and his general level-headedness, the fact remains that Otto is still just a young lad, not yet 4. And boys, as they say, will be boys. Otto has been getting into some...
Artie is a Riding Horse

Artie is a Riding Horse

Well, it’s official: our sweet, handsome little Artie is a riding horse, and we couldn’t be more proud of him.   Lexee N has been working with Artie for the last few months, and has been a huge part of this guy’s transformation. She calls him “Artie the...
Handsome Horse Modeling School

Handsome Horse Modeling School

Horse, or hat model? These days when he’s not wearing a saddle, Artie Shaw entertains with displays of handsome stoicism to rival any fashion week editorial.   I jest, of course – a hat perched atop his head is not a common look for Artie. And while I’ll be the...