Biscotti — June 16, 2008

Photos courtesy of Leah Anderson: Hope’s baby (come on! Name please!) got his first “trim” today. He was a bit fussy at first but once I figured out that as long as I scritched his back and butt really hard — Daphne could do whatever she wanted with his feet....

Biscotti — June 5, 2008

From Monica B: When we visited Monday we got to play with Hope and baby a bit. May I say, Hope is stunning! She has such vibrant contrast with her white and black. She has “cleaned up” beautifully. Her weight looks great and she is a very gentle girl and has such...

Biscotti — May 28, 2008

From Valerie (volunteer): He is a handful! On Monday I went over to Jaime’s and we stood there and watched him pounce mercilessly all over Hope because she had the nerve to eat her grain instead of paying attention to him. He grabbed ahold of the crest of her...

Biscotti — May 21, 2008

Update from Valerie (volunteer): An update on Hope’s baby. I went to Jaime’s yesterday and spent a little time with him. You will all be glad to know that he is turning into the little stink we all hoped he would. He is barely a week old and was already...

Biscotti — May 15, 2008

Our little colt is doing MUCH better today! Time for his first turnout! He wasn’t so sure he wanted to leave the safety of his stall, and twice he turned around and went back in the stall calling for momma to come back with him (she was eating grass and had no...

Biscotti — May 13, 2008

Sorry I haven’t given many updates or photos yet. Its been miserable weather-wise and dealing with a sick foal in quarantine and a newborn means not much is getting done with him and he hasn’t been out of the stall yet except to go from one stall to another when I am...