Lucky Update from Nov 14 2010

Had a visit today from one of Bucky B Lucky’s former part-owners. Tara confirmed that Lucky was always a barn sweetheart. She also brought two win pictures of Lucky that his future adopter will get to keep. Very cool, thank you Tara! This might be a great time to...

Lucky Update from Oct 16, 2010

I rode Lucky today for the first time. We would have been on him sooner but he was pretty sore on his feet until we finally put front shoes and pads on him, and then we couldn’t seem to go a day without him pulling one of them. But we have them back on, plus bell...

Lucky Update from July 28, 2010

Just wanted to give an update on Lucky. He’s been transitioned off his racing plates and is currently barefoot. He is a bit sore and did blow a big abcess right away but is doing well now and sporting a barefoot trim. All his cuts and dings have healed and he is...

Lucky Update from May 13, 2010

Dr. Bryant left a little bit ago. Overall the news is good…not great, but good. Lucky has two bone chips in his left front ankle. One is quite large and completely detached, the other is smaller and adhered to the bone. He also has significant remodeling going on...