New shoes for Cameo

We have been working with farrier Jake Cowden to help Cameo’s club foot by adding shoes. We’ve been making very slow and subtle changes to her hooves, but already we are seeing signs of improvement. She is striding better in the front with lots more toe flip...

October Training Report

Phoenix had a hard month concentrating under saddle. He continues to look sound on the front but does come out of his stall pretty stiff both in the front and hind. He had quite a few naughty days this month mostly due to work, noise, and activity at the barn that...

The joy of Cameo

What a joy this little mare is becoming! I had some really lovely quiet rides on Cameo this month. She can still be quite the four year old handful but she has a new peace about her and ground work is helping her find that more and more. Once she gets rid of the...