The girls are back!

Cameo and Skye graduated from training at the end of April and returned to Safe Harbor Stables to continue their education under Terry’s guidance. The two are settling in nicely, and are both healthy, happy, and feeling good. Terry’s been giving them both some...

Cameo Update from Training

Cameo is continuing to progress in her work with Andrea Lucianna at Half Trak Farm. It’s been a difficult journey for this mare, and she has her good days and not-as-good days, but she is moving forward all the time. It’s important to keep in mind just how far she’s...

A wonderful Cameo training update

It’s been a while since we’ve provided an update on Cameo’s progress in training, but it’s not because things haven’t been going well…quite the opposite in fact. Things with Cameo have been going SO well that we can hardly believe it. When we dropped Cameo off at Half...

Training Update on Cameo

Cameo has been in training with Andrea Lucianna for 30 days, and things have not been entirely rosy for our little bay mare. She arrived at Half-Trak Farm with a bit of an eye infection that had to be treated with daily eye drops…a routine that she did not care for in...

Cameo is now wearing a saddle!

Cameo wants everyone to know she has been wearing a saddle for a few weeks now, but today was the first time it was put on while she was standing in the cross-ties. You’ll notice that Cameo is wearing a chain in the photo. That’s because she is still learning how to...