Coco is Six Months Old!

Coco is Six Months Old!

Can you believe Coco is already 6 months old? It seems like it was just yesterday when we found out our little 25 year old mare, Sundae, wasn’t just a little round, she was pregnant! That little squirt, Coco has been an independent lady from day one, kicking up her...
Two Months Old!

Two Months Old!

And she is such a big girl now! Coco spends all day outside in the pasture with her mama, and she is not at all afraid to take off by herself, running as fast as her legs can carry her! She’s brave and independent, but Sundae is always nearby when she needs...
Our Newest Addition: Coco!

Our Newest Addition: Coco!

We have a new horse to introduce. She joined our herd Wednesday, April 21st at 10:37pm. Welcome to the world, Coco! Sundae delivered her filly quickly and easily without a hitch. Less than two minutes passed between the time her water broke and her foal was born. The...