Holly Baby Photos!

Pictures of Holly, I am guessing about 6 months old in these photos. These photos were given to me by a former employee of Jean’s who asked to be anonymous.  Holly’s dam was called Mellie and was a registered appaloosa named Moonlight Melody. As far as we know,...

Holly Update — Aug 13, 2008

Holly update from her foster mom: A Holly update… It’s been a while since I’ve let you know how Holly is doing. She is really good! Although, yesterday when I went out to bring horses in I found her on the driveway. The other three horses were still in the pasture....

Holly Update — July 18, 2008

Holly update from her foster mom: Holly is doing good. I have given her my TB gelding as a pasture buddy and that is working out good. At night they are brought into their own paddock and stall. I am in AZ taking care of my daughter, who just had surgery but I get...

Holly Update — June 13, 2008

Holly update from her foster mom: Holly was as bad as the others but because of her color it was not as apparent. The first time she came in wet from the rain I was taken back by how thin she really was. Holly weighed 680lbs when she came here. Yesterday I did some...

Holly Update — June 11, 2008

Update from Holly’s foster mom: Dr Hannah was out last week and Daphine was out today. The little girls are growing! I love the colors on Holly. I looked at the Appaloosa web site but still don’t know what the name is for Holly’s colors. Maybe.…Bay Roan with...

Holly Update — May 17, 2008

Update from Monica Bretherton on her Horsebytes column: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/horsebytes/archives/139100.asp I am trying to figure out what her Appy pattern would be called. I think Snowcap, because she has no spots, Marble, because of the pattern in her...