Jewel Update!

A terrific update from Jewel’s foster mom! Thank you Janelle for taking such wonderful care of this filly! Just wanted to let you all know that Jewel has been doing really well. She has calmed down tremendously and is not spooking as easily, especially with being...

Jewel Update

Here’s an update from Jewel’s fabulous foster mom, Janelle! Jewel has been very respectful of me and my space without running away from me, just really polite. She is a bit nervous being caught but if you go slow she will let you halter her. She is terrified of the...

Three pinto ponies on the move!

Our three recent intakes, River, Jewel, and Bridgit, have spent the past six weeks at NWESC regaining their health and their weight. They are all going to be moving on to their next accommodations and starting their new lives. Jewel has already left NWESC for a...

Three new intakes at SAFE

SAFE has three new horses to introduce. All three are in emaciated condition with severe parasite loads, lice, poor coats, overgrown hooves, and facial indentations from halters that were too small for them. They are currently under the care of Dr Hannah Mueller at...