April Training Update: Kai

I’ve had some wonderful rides on Kai this month where he was feeling stronger and showed some good self carriage. I started working on sitting trot and found he is not ready for this on his weak back muscles. I will continue to slowly introduce more of this over the...

Kai – a Master of Socrates

Can’t help but love this big hunk…somewhat distant exterior, but a heart of gold underneath for the right person, and, if you work for it, tons of easily offended dignity. He is the type that really doesn’t like to be laughed at or have his many ideas dismissed or...

Kai — Available for Adoption once again

Kai is back at SAFE Harbor and is once again available for adoption.  Kai was adopted earlier this year to a rider looking for a horse to do low-level eventing and trail riding with. After an extended trial period, things were going quite well for Kai — he was...

Kai — Placed!

Kai has spent the past few months out on trial with a potential adopter…and we are delighted to announce that Debbie G of Bellevue WA has decided to go forward with the adoption. Kai resides at a beautiful farm on Bridle Trails State Park and Debbie takes him out on...

Kai and Maggie go on a trail ride!

Kai’s first trail ride! His companion was the cute SAFE Maggie pony and volunteer rider, Kyrany. There was a busy running event taking place at the trail head with flags and banners hanging from the trees and tents, but both horses were great about it. They saw bikes,...