Lola Update from Feb 16, 2009

Lola is growing and doesn’t have as much rain rot as Aiden had. She is still putting on the tough girl act but once you touch her the ears come back up. Silly filly!! She sometimes will stand to have her blanket on and off. She is getting the leading down but would...

Lola Update from Jan 6, 2009

Lola got her feet done today as well…she was a very good girl and we had no issues getting her done quickly. She really likes attention, she just likes to act grumpy but as soon as you start petting her, her little ears come up. She’s just insecure and trying to tell...

Lola Update from Jan 1, 2009

Here’s photos of the possible Lola taken today. Sorry for the too-big halter, that’s a yearling halter, going to have to pull out the foal halters, she’s tiny!  She’s very weak and wobbly on her hind end, and stocked up behind, as you can see: She’s very...

Lola Background & History

New arrival at SAFE. Due to the fact that this is an open neglect case, I cannot provide many details at this time. This filly was surrendered by her owner to SAFE with encouragement from Animal Control. She is about 8 months old, black with a blanket, by an Appaloosa...