Babies in the Field

Sinatra was The Older Brother, of sorts, on the baby pature this weekend but I certainly will not call him the mature voice of reason…he was up to lots of antics including removing his younger friends’ masks and nipping and getting in everyone else’s business (which...

Lola Update from May 25, 2009

Lola is ready to be offered for adoption. She has made such a turnaround since I last saw her and not just because she has grown and shed her nasty coat. Gone is the little filly with the ‘tude, she is a total sweetheart now! Allison and I were able to groom her head...

Lola Update from Mar 2, 2009

A Lola update… She now weighs 333 pounds and is looking much better than when she came here. She is on a power pak worming program right now and got debugged yesterday. She is shedding. Lola and Aiden play together a lot now and it’s fun to watch them.