October 2008 Phoenix Updates from his adopter

October 2, 2008 So Phoenix has a new teacher!!! [name removed] will be Phoenix’s trainer — we all met last night and — like everyone else — [name removed]  thinks Phoenix is the cutest thing  [name removed]  has a degree in Equine Science...

Update from Phoenix’s new adopter

Update from Phoenix’s new adopter: So, here is the first of what will be MANY updates  After Jaime and I got him settled in his new paddock yesterday I left and got his grain and put together packages for the boarding facility to feed him. When I came back, he...

Phoenix Adoption Annoucement

Congratulations to Bernadette Ziegler on her adoption of Phoenix!! Bernie fell in love with Phoenix the last couple of months while she has been volunteering out at the farm, and finally decided to adopt him. He will be boarded at a facility in nearby Clearview, so he...

Gelding Day for Phoenix and Sinatra

Today was the day that Phoenix and Sinatra were turned into happy geldings. The procedure was done in the front pasture by Dr Hannah.   Update 7/23/2008: Phoenix was rechecked yesterday by Dr. Hannah and is doing well. He has had quite a bit more swelling than...

Sinatra and Phoenix from May-June 2008

May 21 2008 Not exactly a glamour shot, but here here’s Sinatra and Phoenix — I call this shot “Bonnie’s Groupies.” Sinatra is so laid back compared to Phoenix, who is Bart Simpson personified. Or is that horseified? June 12 2008 Mike managed to grab the...