Phoenix Photos and Hock Swelling

Phoenix is doing great! The main concern with him right now is a little bit of a swollen left hind hock that I am keeping an eye on. I think he probably overexerted himself somehow. Other than that, he is doing really well and I took tons of hair off him yesterday. I...

Phoenix Antics

I went to Jaime’s today to turn the boys out since it looked like we were going to get a break from the rain. It has been SOP to lead them both at the same time, and this has not been a problem, but alas I think those days are coming to an end. No sooner did we get...

Sinatra Update from Apr 2 2008

Here’s a few photos from our snow day on Sunday. The boys (Sinatra and Phoenix, who are now inseperable) went out in the arena for turnout and had some fun! I actually have some video clips of them playing a bit but will have to upload those later. Here are a few...

Phoenix Update

Phoenix is doing great and is actually the stronger one compared to Sinatra. It has been over 2 weeks since he has needed help up now. Both are done with their ulcer medication today. Phoenix is still a bit more shy then Sinatra and pretty sure he doesn’t want to be...