Sinatra & Phoenix Update from Mar 13 2008

Sinatra is doing very well…much improved. All the horses got wormed yesterday, full dose this time. Both he and Phoenix had a good day yesterday and today, and seem a lot perkier. Crossing fingers this time it stays that way! Update from Monica Bretherton: Cute...

Phoenix Update

Phoenix’s bloodwork showed him as still a little anemic and protein levels a little low, but this morning he was down but got up by himself this morning. He wasn’t thrilled with his grain last night but this morning I tried it without any grass hay pellets in it and...

A Visit with Phoenix

Phoenix continues to improve every day, and is becoming a bright, curious and loving foal who thankfully now only seems to be lying down when he takes a snooze. He is maintaining a normal body temperature now too. He loves attention…he nickers when he sees you coming...

Phoenix Photos

Here are a few photos I took of Phoenix yesterday during his grass time: Phoenix is doing very well! He got quite a bit of grass time yesterday with the other two colts, and I think the social time and the grass really perked him up quite a bit. He was able to go...

Phoenix Intake

Phoenix is one of 10 horses seized from a Carnation farm, 6 of which were taken in by SAFE. Phoenix was removed from the property immediately a day prior to the seizure as Dr. Evergreen, after examining Phoenix, felt that he may not last even another 24 hours at the...