Sinatra Update from Apr 2 2008

Here’s a few photos from our snow day on Sunday. The boys (Sinatra and Phoenix, who are now inseperable) went out in the arena for turnout and had some fun! I actually have some video clips of them playing a bit but will have to upload those later. Here are a few...

Sinatra Update from Mar 25 2008

Well I have yet to see this little attitude of Sinatra’s but maybe that’s because I am the food lady, who knows. He’s an absolute doll and you can’t help but just love him to pieces. Today he got a new waterproof blanket for turnout and I took his old one off and...

Sinatra Update from Mar 17 2008

We had a funny moment with Sinatra at this work party this Sunday. Funny ha ha, I mean! Sinartra and Phoenix were getting a little grazing time in the tiny paddock that fronts Jaime’s stalls. Next to one of the stalls is a bale of alfalfa, and the boys, who have...

Sinatra & Phoenix Update from Mar 13 2008

Sinatra is doing very well…much improved. All the horses got wormed yesterday, full dose this time. Both he and Phoenix had a good day yesterday and today, and seem a lot perkier. Crossing fingers this time it stays that way! Update from Monica Bretherton: Cute...

Sinatra Update from Mar 9 2008 — Mar 12 2008

March 9 2008 Sinatra is doing much better today and spent much more of his time up and eating instead of lying down and worrying me. The extra blanket is keeping him nice and warm and we have heat lamps as a backup if needed. He’s just so much scrawnier and...