by Bonnie Hammond | Dec 7, 2013 | Honeycutt, Sinatra
Boys will be boys, and these guys play rough…Honeycutt has some scary-looking moves, but he doesn’t actually do anything to hurt Sinatra.
by Honeycutt | Nov 27, 2013 | Honeycutt, Sinatra
If you follow Honeycutt’s blog, you know that he shares a lot of secrets about horses and their interactions. Today’s update on Sinatra comes straight from the horse’s mouth… Now if you were to look out and see me, you would see something white right next to me. If...
by Bonnie Hammond | Sep 17, 2013 | Sinatra
by Bonnie Hammond | Aug 10, 2013 | Sinatra
I was awake, but hadn’t yet gotten out of bed around 7 this morning, when I heard an unusual racket from outside. Something was on my front porch, something bigger than a raccoon, something…white? With hooves? Sinatra, is that you? You see, Sinatra has learned a...
by Bonnie Hammond | Jul 23, 2013 | Ginger, Sinatra
Ginger and lover boy Sinatra are joined at the hip. She was much more relaxed having a buddy in turnout. They were eatting this close the entire time. Two needy horses found each other and I mean both of them! I thought he wouldn’t leave her but SHE was stuck to him...
by Bonnie Hammond | Jun 10, 2013 | Sinatra
What can we say about Sinatra that hasn’t already been said? He’s lovable, he’s laughable, he’s one of a kind. The Vitamin E supplements he’s been getting continues to help his proprioception issues, and under saddle, he seems to be feeling pretty good. Which for...