Sinatra Update from Apr 27 2008

Here’s our boy today, he is SUCH a ham but standing still for photos is not really his thing. I know it is hard to tell from these photos, but I actually see signs of a pretty horse emerging under all this hair. Right now though, he is still pretty homely...

Phoenix Antics

I went to Jaime’s today to turn the boys out since it looked like we were going to get a break from the rain. It has been SOP to lead them both at the same time, and this has not been a problem, but alas I think those days are coming to an end. No sooner did we get...

Sinatra Update from Apr 19 2008

Yesterday I thought Mr. Blue Eyes’ vision might be in real danger… Turns out it was my diagnostic skills that are in doubt. Not to mention my ability to close stall doors…

Sinatra Update from Apr 17 2008

So Saturday was Kokomo’s day to scare me, and last night was Sinatra’s. He bolted his grain and within seconds was choking. It was 7:30 when it happened and I knew Hannah was in the middle of putting Cadillac down, but I called to give her a heads up and pulled his...