by Cathy Olson | Oct 16, 2024 | Tess
Kelly has decided to retire Purty (formerly Tess) from riding after she started limping after riding her again recently. Purty is content being on her own and isn’t bothered when the other two horses are taken out to a show.
by Bonnie Hammond | Aug 2, 2016 | Tess
…Tess!!! We were thrilled to have Tess (now known as Purty Girl) and her adopter Kelly competing at this year’s SAFE Benefit Horse Show! Out of all the SAFE Alumni who competed at the show, Tess and Kelly earned the most points, competing in Western, Ranch Riding,...
by Terry Phelps | Jun 7, 2016 | Placed Horses, Tess
When a new horse arrives at SAFE, we never know what we might have on our hands. So we take time to get to know them and we give them time to heal and recover from their past neglect. Watching these horses transform is one of the joys of working with a rescue! When...
by Terry Phelps | Jan 12, 2016 | Tess
We are happy to have three sweet new mares in our care: Tess, Bean, and Jessel. They were rescued from a very tough situation of neglect and starvation, and it’s going to take some time and TLC before they are ready for adoption. At the moment, we are letting them...
by Bonnie Hammond | Dec 26, 2015 | Tess