by Cathy Olson | Mar 21, 2025 | Violet
We recently checked in with Lexee and Violet. Here is what Lexee had to share: Violet has been such a great addition to my herd. She and Duke (my other horse) get along so great. Best friends at first sight. She also loves to run around with him and our minis,...
by Cathy Olson | Sep 8, 2024 | Violet
Violet’s adopter, Lexee shared this update with us: On a beautiful August Sunday I took Violet on her first longer trail ride and man was she awesome! Lots of hills, walkers, dogs and bikes and she took them all in great stride. She even let some young kids pet...
by Lily Leitkowski | Apr 30, 2024 | Violet
April showers bring May flowers, and they also bring adoptions. We are very pleased to say that SAFE’s resident flower, Violet, has been adopted to none other than long-term volunteer Lexee N! Lexee had been patiently awaiting her prince (or princess) charming to come...
by Lily Leitkowski | Feb 19, 2024 | Artie, Edward, Pepper, Tiva, Veronica, Violet
Winter Washington weather (say that five times fast) does not often conjure visions of sunshine and blue skies. But every so often, the metaphorical stars align to grace us with a January or February day that feels more akin to early summer. Such was the luck...
by Lily Leitkowski | Jan 31, 2024 | Violet
Early on in her tenure at SAFE, we marked Violet as brave. Not long after first stepping off the trailer, she was already leading the way on walks across the property, supporting her decidedly more nervous half-brother, Scotty. Her energy was self-assured, even in the...
by Lily Leitkowski | Dec 20, 2023 | Violet
After a relatively uneventful first ride here at SAFE, Violet has been going well under saddle for the past few months. She had been started in her youth, but because a good deal of time had passed and we knew little about what that start looked like, we took things...