Whisper Update — Dec 28, 2008

I have several checks at my house as well I need to post (tomorrow, too exhausted tonight). Brief update: Whisper was down at about 8pm (?) yesterday, just before I got to Lisa’s for my night duty so Lisa and Kier could get some much-needed sleep. Her temp was going...

Whisper Update — Dec 27, 2008

more donations for Whisper and the other SAFE horses, via Paypal: 12/27 Phyllis Stroh donated $100 Jodycat donated $103 12/25 Alison Jones of Redmond WA donated $100.00 Robert Adkins donated $75 in the name of Dorothy Adkins of Marysville WA 12/24 Kyle Wohlers of...

Whisper Update — Dec 26, 2008

Christmas was a rough day for little Whisper. She went down around 3:30 in the afternoon, Lisa, Kier, Valerie and her husband got her up around 5:30. Then she went down again about 1:15am last night. What we are doing now is letting her stay down until her temperature...

Whisper Update — Dec 24, 2008

From Lisa: It is now 5am.….We found Whisper down at about 2:00am and her body temp was dropping again. Called Dr Hannah (who I think was thrilled to hear from us again ) She jumped in her truck and was here pretty quickly. It was time to try out the newly installed...

Whisper Update — Dec 23, 2008

From Lisa: Whisper is doing well today.…..She hasn’t been down since early yesterday morning, which is very encouraging. (Of course as Murphy’s Law tells us — she won’t go down again now that we have this incredible hoist system in the barn) She continues to eat like...

Whisper Update — Dec 22, 2008

Here are some notes that Dr Hannah emailed me yesterday after Whisper’s bloodwork. Whisper’s blood work showed that she is well hydrated, her kidney and liver function is normal, her muscle enzymes are slightly elevated (this is expected based on what she’s gone...