Raising a White Flag

Raising a White Flag

Do you ever get to moving so fast that you have no idea how exhausted you are? That’s a pretty accurate description of how things have been at SAFE for the past year or so. We started 2019 off with business as usual — caring for 30 rescued horses, managing their...
2019 Year in Review: Herd Health Update

2019 Year in Review: Herd Health Update

Looking back on our accomplishments for the year in the herd health department at SAFE was easy in 2018, because we were still riding on the coattails of the adrenaline rush that came along with foaling out and raising 3 fillies. 2018 was also our first year with a...
Fall City 40 Update

Fall City 40 Update

We started back in June with 40 horses…and we could not be happier that 30 of those horses are now in new homes, getting the care they need and deserve. That leaves ten horses who still need homes. You’ll notice that on the last update, we said that 11 horses are...
Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away

With the recent and ongoing deluge of rain rain rain rain rain, we get calls from people concerned about horses they see standing outside in water, getting wet. As horse people, we know that most horses, when given a dry shelter to stand in, will choose to stand...
Fall City 40 Horses Update

Fall City 40 Horses Update

If we’re being completely honest, taking on 24 wild horses in the dead of winter seemed like an impossible task, even to us. But we have successfully placed 11 of the seized horses into good homes with experiences handlers, and two more leave this week. That leaves 11...

Fall City 40 Update

It’s been about a month since the remaining Fall City 40 horses were seized in Enumclaw. These 24 horses have all been signed over to SAFE now, so we have full responsibility for their housing, feeding, and vet care, and we are taking steps to find homes for as many...