Horses Rescued in Enumclaw

Horses Rescued in Enumclaw

Answers to FAQs• yes, these are the horses we called the Fall City 40• these horses are in a secure location, with food, water, and shelter• these horses are in sheriff’s custody now, but will be signed over to SAFE soon• SAFE is covering the cost of their...

SAFE Mailing Address Change

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Someone broke into SAFE’s locked mailbox over Thanksgiving. We don’t think any mail was actually stolen, but we can’t be certain. IF YOU RECENTLY MAILED A CHECK TO SAFE, please contact Bonnie Hammond at 206–331-0006 or to...
SAFE Runs Smoother with the Help of Interns

SAFE Runs Smoother with the Help of Interns

SAFE has been fortunate to have the help of some kind, capable young people this past school year who chose to spend their time working as interns at the barn. Thanks to a partnership with The Big Picture School in Bellevue, SAFE benefitted from the enthusiastic...
Local Eagle Scout Goes Above and Beyond for SAFE

Local Eagle Scout Goes Above and Beyond for SAFE

Zeke Almond, a 2019 graduate of Woodinville High School, completed his Eagle Scout Project on June 23rd, 2019 at SAFE. Zeke designed and built a storage shelter to house tools and equipment near the quarantine area of our facility. Zeke is a member of troop 525 and...