by Bonnie Hammond | Oct 1, 2018 | Announcement, Luna, Mina
Do you think you can guess when Luna and Mina will have their foals? We’re going to have a fun contest to see who can guess the closest to the actual birth! We’ll give a you a clue to get you started. The two mares were both palpated and ultrasounded by equine repro...
by Bonnie Hammond | Sep 19, 2018 | Announcement
What started as a vacation turned into a bit of a work holiday for three members of SAFE’s staff, who traveled to Tryon, North Carolina for the first week of the World Equestrian Games. This was a trip planned a year in advance and made possible by a personal friend...
by Bonnie Hammond | Aug 22, 2018 | Announcement
Leadership with Horses is a program of Roam Consulting LLC. They are a professional, credentialed team of coaches, facilitators, and experienced horse people, who get excited about helping their clients think, feel, and act differently to achieve and sustain...
by Terry Phelps | Apr 21, 2018 | Announcement
We want to recognize and thank a very special member of both our Operations Council and our Volunteer Riders, Jolene Duncan. For the past 3 years, Jolene has given her time, energy, and talents to helping in a multitude of facets at SAFE. Starting out as a Volunteer...
by Bonnie Hammond | Jan 9, 2018 | Announcement
2017 was an absolutely incredible year for SAFE. We moved our entire operation from 3 acres in Woodinville to 11 acres just down the road in Redmond. We also had a record setting year in terms of adoptions, new intakes, and new volunteers, but the story for 2017 is...
by Bonnie Hammond | Dec 21, 2017 | Announcement
SAFE is overjoyed to introduce you to a new staff member who will be joining us in early January. Melinda Merryman is a veterinary technician who has accepted a position with SAFE to oversee the health and well-being of our horses. Melinda has been volunteering with...