by Terry Phelps | Aug 3, 2016 | Announcement
There are not enough words to say how extremely grateful we are to all the magnificent volunteers, sponsors and judges who helped make this years SAFE Benefit Horse Show possible. So much energy and love was given in preparation and execution to make this show a...
by Terry Phelps | Jun 23, 2016 | Announcement
What is the Operations Council you ask? Only the glue that holds everything together here at Safe Harbor! From a broken faucet to a horse with hives, these volunteers are the ones we call to ensure things run smoothly and are here supporting our horses behind the...
by Terry Phelps | Jun 10, 2016 | Announcement
SAFE Horse Rescue is looking for new volunteers in a couple of specific areas! Read the following volunteer descriptions to find out if one position is right for you. If you are interested in lending some of your time to help our organization for any of the following...
by Terry Phelps | May 5, 2016 | Announcement
A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who donated during the Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG event May 3rd and 4th! Generous donors like you raised over $16 MILLION dollars for non-profits in the Greater Seattle area. SAFE is so very thankful to all of you who donated over...
by Bonnie Hammond | Feb 4, 2016 | Announcement
As SAFE grows, we continually find ourselves wanting to do more for the horses in our care. Compared to even just three years ago, the amount of daily activity and labor at Safe Harbor has easily doubled. Every day we have volunteers cleaning stalls,...
by Terry Phelps | Aug 14, 2015 | Announcement
At the beginning of 2015, SAFE embarked on a new chapter within our organization with the separation of the Governing Board of Directors and the creation of our Operations Team. Over the last 8 months, the Operations Team has been growing and developing. Some...