Fall Work Party!

Fall is on its way (if it hasn’t already arrived!) and it is time to make preparations for the return of the rain.Each fall, we offer an opportunity for SAFE supporters to participate in our Fall Work Party. The purpose of the Work Party is to make repairs,...

Does it seem a little quiet around here?

That is because SAFE Executive Director (and website guru) Bonnie Hammond has been taking a well deserved vacation!  Bonnie took her personal horse, Chance, on a camping/trail riding trip with SAFE Trainer Brittney Stewart and her husband Darby.  Brittney is...

Special Guests at the SAFE Benefit Show

The Seattle Police Department’s Mounted Patrol will be stopping by Donida Farm to put on a special demonstration during the SAFE Benefit Horse Show!! The demo will take place at the start of our Exhibitor Party on Saturday evening at 5pm. The Patrol horses and...

Open House this Sunday at SAFE Harbor

On Sunday, July 14, SAFE will be celebrating its one year anniversary at SAFE Harbor Stables in Woodinville with an Open House that day from Noon to 3pm. Come by and meet the horses and have a tour of the farm. We’ll be grilling hot dogs for lunch and selling...

ASPCA Equine Welfare Professionals Workshop

SAFE Board of Directors members Kyle Putnam, Sara Hall, Jeanette Parrett, and Debi Shatos recently attended an all day seminar hosted by the ASPCA. The Equine Welfare Professionals Workshop provided an opportunity for our Board members to learn about effective Board...