2012: A Year in Review

As 2012 draws to a close and SAFE begins looking forward towards its 8th year of operation, we have a lot to celebrate! We accomplished a great deal this year! New Intakes for 2012 11 horses taken from Animal Control agencies (Oscar, Scooter, Marta, Shay,...

A new look for a new year!

Introducing new horses to our supporters always comes with an array of emotion for us here at SAFE. Sadness and sometimes anger over past suffering, but also relief at being able to help, and hope for what lies ahead in the future. Today we have a different sort of...

Help Ban Horse Slaughter in Snohomish County

The Snohomish County Council is holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 19 to discuss an ordinance that would prohibit horse slaughter in Snohomish County. Not only is this a crucial measure for putting a stop to plans to re-open Florence Packing in Stanwood...

Poster Hub

Looking for an easy way to help SAFE? Here’s a biggie — we have several healthy and well trained horses that need to be adopted. Every horse we adopt out means that we have space to take in a new horse who needs our help! So if you live in Western Washington, you...

Straight to the horse’s mouth!

Once a year we hold the Fall Into Winter Feed Drive, and ask our good friends to donate funds that will be earmarked for purchasing hay, grain, and a moderate amount of horse treats for the horses in SAFE’s care. We’ll all feel more secure knowing that our haylofts...