Pen Click Training

Pen Click Training

Trypanophobia is the fear of needles — and while I’ve yet to meet anyone who is fond of getting poked, some have more of an issue with it than others. The same goes for horses. Some hardly blink. Be it IM or IV, you’d be hard pressed to get a reaction out of our more...
Bandit & Brandy on Grass

Bandit & Brandy on Grass

If you were to stay at the Brandy and Bandit Bed and Breakfast (only fun to say because of all the alliteration, and goodness me, try saying ‘Brandy and Bandit’ ten times fast), you would find that grass is newly on the menu. These two ladies have been spending a bit...
“Brandit,” Back at SAFE

Brandit,” Back at SAFE

As though returning from a long holiday, these two noble ladies have come back to SAFE. For many months we watched their experiences at their foster home from afar – frolicking alongside their foster siblings, enjoying a summer of grass, making friends with...
Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bandit

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bandit

Kirsten AL worked with Bandit at the November Joel Conner clinic, and had the following to say about her time spent with this nice old gal: “Lessons learned … Ms. Bandit Bay can be both a student and a teacher. In haltering and working with this 25-year-old...
“Brandit” Go To Foster

Brandit” Go To Foster

Brandy and Bandit have arrived at their foster home with long-time SAFE volunteer, Sarah V! A group of SAFE volunteers spent a sunny weekend day putting the finishing touches on the girl’s new home, and then it was time for the pair to arrive. They had a lovely first...