Combating Brandy’s Thrush

Combating Brandy’s Thrush

As Carrie S says in this video, Brandy is a ‘yes’ girl. But that yes also translates to thrush, something Brandy is prone to especially in the wet winter months. Luckily, our friends over at Red Horse Products make some amazing thrush busting items that really help us...
Brandy’s Manure Mystery

Brandy’s Manure Mystery

Trying to troubleshoot a horse’s gut, when it’s in disarray, can feel sometimes like assembling a puzzle acquired from Goodwill. With missing pieces and dog-eared corners, trying to figure out how to put it all together can be daunting.   Recently, seemingly out...
Brandit Loves Grass

Brandit Loves Grass

These two mares may be older in their years, but put them on pasture and they sure don’t act like it — these girls can rip! A necessary part of any turnout includes a good roll, and Brandy and Bandit, particularly the latter, prove how well-versed they are in the art...
Brandy’s Hobbies

Brandy’s Hobbies

Brandy, one of the matriarchs of SAFE, will turn 30 this July according to our records. So what is she getting up to so far in her 30th year? Well, first and foremost, keeping close with BFF Bandit. While Brandy finds a lot of support in humans, and has made great...