Taking A Walk On The (not so wild) Side

Taking A Walk On The (not so wild) Side

When many imagine an active horse, they envision great feats of athleticism: horses cavorting around courses and launching themselves over jumps taller than children, horses dancing around arenas with grace and finesse, horses racing around barrels with speeds...
Domino Makes Progress

Domino Makes Progress

Domino is a very healthy senior horse! He has good teeth and does well on grass and hay with the normal vitamin supplement used for SAFE horses. For paddock buddies, he does best paired with a submissive gelding. He forms a strong connection with mares, to the point...
Everyone is Domino’s Friend

Everyone is Domino’s Friend

Domino arrived at SAFE after living alone for a few years. His happy nickers on his arrival made it clear he was glad to be around other horses. He is a sweet 25-year-old gelding whose future will be that of a companion or perhaps a lead line horse walking on trails....
Meet Domino!

Meet Domino!

Domino arrived last Thursday and unloaded from the trailer like a champ. He checked out his surroundings as Terry led him across the property to our quarantine paddock. These paddocks are purposely away from the rest of the herd, but it seemed lonely to be so far away...