George: One of the Guys

George: One of the Guys

George is one goofball of a gelding. His curious nature got him his name, and he lives up to it every day. But this tendency to dive head first into the world can get him into a bit of trouble, especially by his horse-peers. George isn’t always the most receptive to...
George, in focus

George, in focus

These beautiful photos of George, taken by Marika Moffitt, Owner of SoulDog Creative (formerly Dirtie Dog Photography), showcase two versions of George — the spunky, athletic gelding moving out in the roundpen, and the observant, brave fellow ready to adventure out in...
George is a Carrot Man

George is a Carrot Man

Did you know dewormer is flavored? Apple, usually, though I’m not about to test that personally. Still, flavor or no, there are certain horses who prefer the tube not even enter their sight, thanks very much. George is one such fellow, who recoils at the merest brush...
George, all healed up

George, all healed up

Though the rehab process can be a slow one, having a horse come out the other side of it good as new is time very well spent. George was very ready to get back into the swing of things – one thing that stall rest does for a horse, a young horse especially, is imbue...
George: Happy to get back to Work!

George: Happy to get back to Work!

George is officially ready to get back to work. He has been enjoying returning to daily turnout and is beginning saddle time this week! We are excited to once again reopen applications as he progresses to full riding workouts over the next several weeks. This guy...
George Wants Out

George Wants Out

SAFE staff have the always eventful task of walking George during his stall rest. While he is often quiet in his stall, outside of his stall can get more challenging. It is hard to help such a...