Approaching Montana

Approaching Montana

Montana is NOT a baby. You wouldn’t think he was, looking at him, but there’s something about a sensitive guy like Montana that makes it so people’s first inclination is to handle him with kid gloves. There’s a hesitation when they go to pet him, and it’s...
Montana’s Mountains and Valleys

Montana’s Mountains and Valleys

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same applies to the education (or re-education) of some horses. Montana’s arrival at SAFE coincided with the end of summer last year, where we were spending lots of time picking up fallen apples from our trees and starting to think...
Dental Day for Montana

Dental Day for Montana

It took a while to get here, but Montana had his first dental this week. Getting a sensitive horse like Montana OK with being haltered and caught is one thing, getting him to the point where he is OK with the rigamarole of a dental float is quite another. It means a...
Two Men and A Baby

Two Men and A Baby

I’ll admit, the title is a bit misleading. But to see new herd-mates Nyx, Montana, and Otto out together, I think it would quickly become apparent to anyone who are the men and who is the baby. A brief description of the herd has – Nyx starring as the...
Montana’s Progress

Montana’s Progress

We have made some progress with gentling Montana to the halter. He is still very shy about the first touch and had learned from his previous life that he can keep his head just out of reach from the halter by holding it far to the other side. He will allow us to walk...