Look Ma, No Reins!

Look Ma, No Reins!

Part of a horse’s education under saddle, perhaps the most basic yet complex thing they learn, is how to steer and stay hooked on to a rider’s line based on leg alone. Frosting, who was started last year at SAFE, demonstrates in the video below just how well she is...
Esme’s Abscess

Esme’s Abscess

Pop Quiz: your horse, who was sound as a music note yesterday, walks out of her stall with a major head bob the next morning. Do you: A. PANIC! Something serious must be wrong, and the vet needs to come out immediately! B. Treat it like an abscess — soak the foot...
Ciara’s Crossroads

Ciara’s Crossroads

We talk a lot about ‘time’ here at SAFE, the time it takes for a horse to reach certain milestones (varied), the time we give them to get there (endless, for the most part). But to frame this in a linear style is not always the most accurate. Yes, the paths some...
Theo’s First Saddling

Theo’s First Saddling

Theo wore a saddle for the first time at the end of February. It seems like just a handful of days before that, Theo was having his first groundwork sessions… and that’s because he was. The forward progress of this sweet guy has been swift and easy, making him...


Gradual change can be difficult to see, especially when what you have in front of you is almost impossibly different than what once was. Below is a quick before and after of a few SAFE horses, and their nearly unbelievable transformations over the years at SAFE....