Barbie Dream Horse

Barbie Dream Horse

Barbie’s Dream Horse was named Prancer, and technically she was cremello. But it’s hard not to look at these beautiful pictures of Winter and not conjure up images of the toy you’d bring to show and tell. If one thing is true about Winter, it’s that she is calorically...
Ain’t No Bugs on Me

Ain’t No Bugs on Me

Yesterday may have been Friday the 13th, but the creepy crawlies are still out. That’s right, it’s botfly season. These pests have it really figured out — they lay their eggs on the legs and sides of horses, places where they are likely to be ingested by the pass of a...
Zuri’s Before and After

Zuri’s Before and After

Transformations are par for the course here at SAFE, but as they often happen so incrementally, it can be challenging to remember the ‘before.’ When Zuri was first seized by Animal Control back in March of this year, she was about as low on the body condition score...