Introducing Tiva!

Introducing Tiva!

Introducing our newest mare, Tiva! She was picked up from a boarding barn in Olympia and arrived at SAFE in the late afternoon. After living in a stall for nearly a year, she was reluctant to leave it and or to get out of the trailer. Freedom was not something she had...
“Brandit” Go To Foster

Brandit” Go To Foster

Brandy and Bandit have arrived at their foster home with long-time SAFE volunteer, Sarah V! A group of SAFE volunteers spent a sunny weekend day putting the finishing touches on the girl’s new home, and then it was time for the pair to arrive. They had a lovely first...
Barb Needs a Knowledgeable Partner

Barb Needs a Knowledgeable Partner

Barb has a very strong sense of justice, so if you fail to release her immediately when she does the right thing, or add pressure that’s not meaningful, she’ll resent your poor timing. When you time up correctly and have good consistency of your feel and movements,...
We Love Our Minis

We Love Our Minis

Written by our volunteer, Debbie Meyer, aka “Best Buddy to Shasta & Sunny” Traditionally, February has been known as the month of love. As a result, no better time for an update on SAFE’s lovable ambassadors and permanent residents, Shasta and Sunny D....
Sienna is our Special Project

Sienna is our Special Project

Here is what Terry had to say about Sienna: What an absolute gift Joel Conner is to SAFE and horses like Sienna. His resolve, knowledge and compassion for her success is unmatched. Joel made Sienna a “special project” in this past November’s horsemanship clinic. He...