Brandit Loves Grass

Brandit Loves Grass

These two mares may be older in their years, but put them on pasture and they sure don’t act like it — these girls can rip! A necessary part of any turnout includes a good roll, and Brandy and Bandit, particularly the latter, prove how well-versed they are in the art...
Taking Care of Winter

Taking Care of Winter

A little less than two weeks after she arrived at SAFE, Winter met with the vet and the farrier for the first time in years. When we’d first booked the appointments for her, we did so tentatively, unsure if she would be far enough along in her handling to be seen to....
Inula at Summer Camp!

Inula at Summer Camp!

Inula is doing great at foster, and settling in well with the rest of the herd! She had already been introduced to SAFE Alumni Finn (formerly Doolin), but this past week met foster mom Shannon’s horse-sized horses as well. Introductions went well, and the four of them...
Winter in the Springtime

Winter in the Springtime

Winter came to SAFE in the springtime, though a recent onslaught of gloomy, rainy, chill in the forecast does conjure more January than June. That’s Washington for you. But Winter herself isn’t exactly wintry – pairing a horse coat color up with a season would...
Back in the saddle with Barb

Back in the saddle with Barb

As you pass by her paddock, Barb nickers at the gate, a little bay siren enticing you closer. It is hard to divine what, exactly, she wants, once she has you. Likely to be let out and left to her own devices. Barb would make an excellent automatic lawn mower, if only...
Orbiting Planet Jupiter

Orbiting Planet Jupiter

There’s an old adage that begins, ‘boys go to Jupiter…’ followed by a statement that implies it is where one goes to lose intelligence. Jupiter, the horse, is grounded enough to not take offense from such slanderous statements (and the fact that he does not understand...