Bijou in the Round Pen

Bijou in the Round Pen

It’s been a busy first few weeks here at SAFE since Bijou arrived. Now off of Quarantine, she had her first set of vaccines, dental float and microchipped. She also got a lovely pair of front shoes from our farrier and was a super star for it! Here is a short little...
Training Update: Nova

Training Update: Nova

Long-legged Nova will celebrate her 4th birthday this November. In the meantime, she has been working on her physique with some trot pole work. We think that Nova has it in her to really take on some fences one day, but for now, we will stick with cavalettis....
Otto Enjoying Summer

Otto Enjoying Summer

Sunshine, soft, fluffy dirt and playing with friends are the best reasons to lay down for a nap…everyday…several times a day. It’s usually the position Otto is in when our volunteer photographer visits the property. (Thanks Kristina!) He can’t be bothered to get up...
Training Update: Rae

Training Update: Rae

Rae, who was born at SAFE in November of 2018, has blossomed into quite the nice mare! This summer she has been in regular work in preparation to meet adopters — when she’s not out grazing with her buddies Nova and Valentine, she’s in the round pen going over trot...
Training Update: Rope work with Esme

Training Update: Rope work with Esme

Esme has had a busy summer, spending much of her time learning to wear a saddle (some days, it’s easier than others) and drilling the groundwork basics on the regular. One big hurdle for Esme has been getting comfortable with the rope touching her — her back, her...
Gabby Meets the Halter

Gabby Meets the Halter

Trisha has made such amazing progress with Gabby, that we got behind on sharing her last milestone! Here you see Gabby realizing a halter is no big deal.