Montana’s Mountains and Valleys

Montana’s Mountains and Valleys

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same applies to the education (or re-education) of some horses. Montana’s arrival at SAFE coincided with the end of summer last year, where we were spending lots of time picking up fallen apples from our trees and starting to think...

Training Update: Edward

In addition to his work under saddle, we have been spending some time sending Edward over trot poles to aid with strength and conditioning. It is always a treat to watch the floaty way horses move over poles, and this handsome boy is certainly no exception! Check it...
Cramer Making Strides

Cramer Making Strides

Cramer has made some huge strides (but with legs his length, maybe it’s just a normal stride for him) the last several months here at SAFE. It wasn’t all that long ago that he was first learning to walk from paddock to round pen, a relatively short distance that once...
Hooves of Glass

Hooves of Glass

Remember when Darla blew an abscess, way back in January? The shockwaves of that are still being felt all the way now in August. There was a sweet spot a few months back where she was sound, and we thought that we were in the clear. But it was not to be. Shortly after...
Rodeo Fundraising Results

Rodeo Fundraising Results

Written by our volunteer, Debbie Meyer. As you may have heard by now, this year’s Heart of the Horse fundraiser was a huge success, raising an all-time high of $320,000! Most of that money was raised at the Heart of the Horse Barn Party. However, contributing to the...
Welcome, Pomme and Dolly!

Welcome, Pomme and Dolly!

Sometimes, the rescuing begins before horses even arrive at SAFE. When the horses now known as Pomme and Dolly were first seized by animal control, they were in rough shape. Pomme, a 25-year old sorrel grade mare, had the concavity between rib cage and spine that is...