A Walk With Cameron

A Walk With Cameron

One of our long time volunteers, Monique, who walks Cameron once a week, wrote this about him and it melted our hearts. “Our sweet boy Cameron can see us a mile away, Is that a bucket?! Oh, time for my walk! He’s always eager against the gate, messy face nose dive in...
George, in focus

George, in focus

These beautiful photos of George, taken by Marika Moffitt, Owner of SoulDog Creative (formerly Dirtie Dog Photography), showcase two versions of George — the spunky, athletic gelding moving out in the roundpen, and the observant, brave fellow ready to adventure out in...
George is a Carrot Man

George is a Carrot Man

Did you know dewormer is flavored? Apple, usually, though I’m not about to test that personally. Still, flavor or no, there are certain horses who prefer the tube not even enter their sight, thanks very much. George is one such fellow, who recoils at the merest brush...
Barb, the Houdini

Barb, the Houdini

If you know horses, you know their proclivity for finding themselves in less than ideal situations. Barb, a mare too smart for her own good, recently got herself into one such scrape when she decided to liberate herself from her paddock by tunneling beneath her fence....
June Joel Conner Clinic Update: Pepper

June Joel Conner Clinic Update: Pepper

One of our volunteer riders, Sue, had this to say about riding Pepper in the most recent Joel Connor Clinic: “I was so excited to get to participate in the riding portion of the June, 2022 Joel Conner Clinic at SAFE. It was my first chance at this, and I was very...
Chip and Dale Update

Chip and Dale Update

Some miles from SAFE, nestled on a little slice of paradise, Chip and Dale continue to thrive at their foster home. These two sweet boys spend their days cavorting around their dry lots, luxuriating (under careful supervision) on green grass, and being doted upon by...