J’aime bien, Deja Vu

J’aime bien, Deja Vu

Deja Vu is ‘seen before’ in French, that sensation of having experienced an event, even if it is completely novel. But working with this mare is entirely unique each time, no sense of a ‘been there, done that.’ Well, some sense of having been there, since we do not...
Wren: Building Confidence, Balance, and Trust

Wren: Building Confidence, Balance, and Trust

Wren has a truly sweet disposition and a heart of gold. She has an incredible amount of try and doesn’t seem to have a mean bone in her body. Gentle with every horse she meets, Wren has proven to be a kind and dependable presence both on the ground and under saddle....
Mahina’s Progress: A Gentle Soul Learning to Shine

Mahina’s Progress: A Gentle Soul Learning to Shine

Mahina acts like she’s been haltered her entire life. From our very first touch, Joel Conner noted that while she initially seemed wary, she quickly grew fond of being petted. Since that day, she’s sought out connection and attention from humans. Mahina is a smart...
Dedicated to Transformation

Dedicated to Transformation

To truly understand Veronica, one must look at the entirety of her journey. Today, someone walking into SAFE might see a lovely, intelligent mare working calmly during a horsemanship clinic. They might notice her willingness to respond to her rider’s cues and her...