Pepper is Adopted!

Pepper is Adopted!

We loved Pepper at SAFE, but it was hard not to walk by her stall or paddock and ask, ‘you’re still here?’ Pepper was one adoptable little pony! But good things come to those who wait, and indeed, when the wonderful folks at Sammamish Animal Sanctuary came knocking,...


Gradual change can be difficult to see, especially when what you have in front of you is almost impossibly different than what once was. Below is a quick before and after of a few SAFE horses, and their nearly unbelievable transformations over the years at SAFE....
Twinning with Artie and Pepper

Twinning with Artie and Pepper

Halloween might be over, but it appears that Pepper and Artie are still dressing up as one another! These two are truly doppelgangers, and as they both hail from the Fall City 40 herd, it may be that there is some genetic connection to their similar looks. But...