A Summer of Progress for Veronica

A Summer of Progress for Veronica

Veronica has progressed well in her training. Although she is still a bit shy, she is doing much better about getting caught and haltered, and she will now come up to the fence to be petted and told how pretty she is. Veronica stands patiently while tied and is...
Beautiful Veronica

Beautiful Veronica

We are working on preparing Veronica to be saddled. She has calmed so much compared to the fearful horse, distrustful of humans, that arrived at SAFE in early 2020. It has been wonderful to watch her transition. She recently worked in the Joel Connor clinic with Candi...
Veronica’s First Dental

Veronica’s First Dental

Veronica has made fantastic progress in the past few months! She has gone from being a horse who was turned out 24/7 and only worked in her attached round pen to being walked all around the property and even spending a night in a stall. This month she received her...
Veronica Out and About

Veronica Out and About

SAFE’s volunteer, Candi, has been a huge part of Veronica’s gentling process. Her kind and patient feel has been key to the successful haltering of this extremely sensitive and touchy mare. We have slowly gained her trust and she is allowing for basic grooming and...
No Expectations

No Expectations

One thing I love about SAFE is that we have no expectations or deadlines that our horses have to fulfill for us. We accept them as individuals and recognize that one size doesn’t fit all. As we got to know the Fall City 40 horses better, we found there were many...
Veronica’s Brighter Future

Veronica’s Brighter Future

SAFE volunteer Candi K. has taken Veronica under her wing and has been consistently working with her for the past few months. Candi’s patient gentling work was exactly what Veronica needed. It’s moving to see Veronica opening up to human contact. Together they are...