Brandii Bask — Adopted!

We are just delighted to have another adoption to announce this week! First we bid a happy bon voyage to our dear Charmeon, and now we get to do it again for Miss Brandii Bask! Congratulations to the one and only Kitti Lile who opened a place in her heart and her home...

Charmeon: Adopted!

If you’re a fan of Dutch Mills Farm on Facebook (and if you’re not, you should be!) then you already know the incredible news that we have for you today: Charmeon is adopted!! Congratulations and a huge, happy thank you to Helga Roberts, who came to the realization...

Aiden — Adopted!!

Nothing makes us happier than when we get to announce that one of our horses has been adopted. But when it’s a horse that has been with us for a significant period of time, it’s even sweeter to be able to say that another wonderful horse has found an equally wonderful...

Oscar — Placed!

Congratulations to Jessicuh on her adoption of Oscar! We look forward to updates of Oscar on his journey as the all around family horse. Please join us in wishing happy trails to Oscar and Jessicuh!

Noah — adopted!

We are over the moon today at SAFE and that is because we can finally announce that Noah has been adopted! Congratulation to Laura M and the entire wonderful M family!! Laura is a small animal veterinarian who’s been volunteering at SAFE for several months, and she...

Ego Afire — Adopted!

Ego Afire has been on a foster-to-adopt trial and we are delighted to announce that his adoption became official today! Congratulations to Randy & Karen and their new horse “Eomer”…named for the King of the Horse Lords, from The Lord of...