Foster fail alert!! When Daisy headed to foster at Shellie’s home back in February 2021, we didn’t know that she wouldn’t return, but we are happy to hear Shellie fell in love and refused to give her back. In fact, she said she couldn’t imagine life without her so she signed the adoption paperwork.
Now she gets to spend her time with Laurence, Shellie’s gelding. The two are very content and enjoy grooming each other and rolling in the big pasture. We are happy for Daisy and her new family. When she arrived at SAFE last August she was part of a criminal case and that couldn’t be discussed outside our community. She was extremely under weight and the stallion she was with had to be euthanized due to extreme neglect. Her story was a sad one that now has a happy ending thanks to Shellie and Lawrence.
- Daisy enjoying her new life
- Lawrence frames Daisy
- Nap time!
- Grass time!