SAFE is about horses, but at the end of the day, it’s just as much about the people who make it all happen. The volunteers at SAFE are kind, generous, selfless individuals who give their hearts to our shared mission…and as often as we celebrate the horses, behind the scenes there are people supporting each other, helping each other, making friendships that will last a lifetime. To us, every volunteer is special, but once a month, we like to recognize someone whose hard work has really made a difference in a big way. And when December rolls around, it’s time to take a look at the entire corps of volunteers to honor someone as SAFE’s Volunteer of the Year. Today is that day.

To be honest, this year’s decision was pretty easy. But if we had any doubts whatsoever about our choice, several other volunteers told us that if it were up to them, this is the person they would choose too. One volunteer who put in her two cents described this person as “An amazing woman, pride of ownership, no horse background, tremendous commitment!” A volunteer favorite among all the volunteers…what could be better?


Jeanne and Finn

Please join us in congratulating our 2015 SAFE Volunteer of the YEAR: Jeanne Stine! (surprise!)

Jeanne came to SAFE as a volunteer at a point in her life when her career as a nurse was winding down. She didn’t have horse experience, but she had a dream of owning and running a little farm, and Safe Harbor Stables became that farm for her. As a lifelong caretaker, the horses spoke to her, and she quickly recognized in them the same needs for comfort and healing that her human patients had shown.

Pretty soon we started seeing Jeanne’s touch around Safe Harbor…flower pots surrounding the front door of the barn, a comfortable sitting area for volunteers and guests to enjoy, and much needed repairs actually getting done. We desperately needed someone to take charge of facilities management, and although Jeanne wasn’t exactly the “Bob the Builder” type we’d thought we needed…she was actually getting things done, and doing them well. It took a little big of convincing to get her to take over the position, but fortunately she caved to pressure and became our Facilities Manager and a member of our Operations Council.


Ever since that fateful day, things at Safe Harbor have never been better. Running a rescue is hard work, and it’s easy to look at our volunteers and appreciate them in terms of the hours they put in or how hard they work. But when you try to put Jeanne’s contributions over the past year into words, it’s so much more than just hard work…it’s the tremendous, down to earth kindness that she radiates, it’s a smile in the face of any problem, it’s a sense of great hope for the future. In short, she is an amazing human being, and I am so thankful that she is one of us.

Jeanne, there have been so many times this year that I’ve thanked my lucky stars that you were there. The day that certain someone fell off that certain something and said,“well, that’s not right!” — I will forever be grateful that you were there that day. For the day you helped me with my own aches and pains after Owen’s face plant. For the shavings bin that I’d swear we bought from Etsy if I hadn’t seen it built with my own eyes. For the pride in ownership that you show us every day. And for being the wonderful, kind, hilarious, and generous person you are. From all of us at SAFE including each and every horse, thank you for being part of SAFE!!

As our 2015 Volunteer of the Year, we’d like to invite you and a friend to join us at Heart of the Horse (as honored guests, not worker bees!) on April 2, 2016 at The Golf Club at Newcastle. All we ask if that you allow us to recognize you in front of the rest of the guests, so they too can thank you for everything you do for SAFE!

Here’s more about Jeanne in her own words:

VOYA year and a half ago I was a “horse rookie” so imagine my surprise to be honored as a volunteer 
of the month!! I didn’t grow up yearning to have a horse or dreaming of winning a dressage event so there’s been a lot to learn. 

My life as a nurse was coming to a close and I was ready for a new adventure. At my first open house I was welcomed and introduced to the horse world. What caught my attention as I walked through the barn was the vulnerability of these big animals. They had been neglected, rejected and abused in spite of their gentle nature and willingness to work. My caregiver nature couldn’t resist.

Finn is the horse that grabbed my heart. He allowed me to feel that special connection between horse and human. He stood patiently while I fastened my first halter and his soulful eyes assured me that he understood my fumbling fingers. If I was willing…so was he. 

I may not be a rider or able to work a horse on a lunge line but I can love and nurture…that’s “code” for pick stalls and feed. As the facilities lead, I help to provide a safe and healthy environment so our equine friends can have a chance to be the best they can be. I love volunteering at SAFE…as it turns out, it’s a safe harbor for me as well.