HeART of the HorseIt’s certainly fitting that we celebrate the month most closely associated with the Heart with a feature of Leah Anderson.

Thanks to Leah, who has worked on both of the past HeART of the Horse events, we have a beautiful logo!

Leah is passionate about everything she does, be it riding, taking photos or caring for those around her.

It was while she was a volunteer for SAFE when she was finishing up at the University of Washington that she was inspired to create her cornerstone project, “Forgotten”, a look at rescued horses and what it means to the people who rescued them in their own words and Leah’s beautiful photographs. Everyone who has ever had the opportunity to enjoy the book has been deeply moved…many of us to tears!

Forgotten” is available through blurb.com and won their People’s Choice Award in 2008.

Leah is generously donating any profits from the sale of her images or orders of the book “Forgotten” to SAFE this month.